20 Best Codeigniter Interview Questions Preparation Resources 2019 : Codeigniter interview Questions: Here we have listed the best Codeigniter interview questions resources for your interview preparation.Read upvote, comment and share interview resources on... CodeIgniter Interview Questions CodeIgniter is a PHP MVC framework for developing applications rapidly. CodeIgniter provides out of the box libraries for connecting to the database and performing various operations. Like sending emails, uploading files, managing sessions, Ques; What is CodeIgniter? Ans; CodeIgniter is easy to use an open-source MVC based framework for PHP. It is a loosely coupled framework that is used for the rapid development of websites and mobile APIs.Here you can read about CodeIgniter helpers, sessions, hooks, Routing, Constants ORM supported by Codeigniter and more. Ques; Explain the routing in CodeIgniter? Ans; Routing is mainly implemented to define the URLs according to the defined requirements. I...